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Color Psychology

We all have a color with which we identify more than another, the one we use for many everyday things over and over again, almost unconsciously ... the one that we simply call our favourite color.

However, When it comes to identifying your brand, your logo is probably the first thing your customers will think of. When choosing a color for your logo, it is necessary to stop and think a little what is what we want to convey, what we want those who do not know us to see and feel?. Choosing colors for your brand shouldn’t be about your favourite color, but rather what you want your logo to say about your company.

Hasn’t it happened to you?, you see some publicity and smile? Or rather wrinkled your face and say - What were they thinking when they create that? All this happens because, believe it or not, colors convey feelings and sensations. It may seem strange, but they really do, that is the reason why we identify with a product more than another.

Different colors are associated with different feelings. Green conveys organic growth, the earth, nature, or feelings of caring. Meanwhile, black communicates feelings of sophistication, authority or seduction. Not convinced? Consider the green logo for Animal Planet or Whole Foods and the black logos of Gucci or Sony.

Once you know the characteristics that define and represent your brand, it's time to create the logo and properly choose the colors to be used, the first impression you want to give must be durable, and should generate a reaction that sufficiently affect the brain without using words, so it is important to note that warm colors are stimulating and cheerful, however the cold tend to transmit calm and tranquility.

The designer must know how to bring everything felt and experiment in the creation of the logo. It will depend on the number of colors used, the way in which they mix, the contrasts between each of them. So we want to remember the importance of knowledge and professionalism when choosing and ask for help from a specialist in this beautiful art.

The majority of the top brands are monochrome – they only use one color. The most utilized color is a shade of blue, followed (ironically) very closely by black. The color that gets the least use is purple by far.

I leave you a brief summary of the feelings that colors can transmit:

RED: passion, adventure, danger, energy, vigor.

PINK: appreciation, delicacy, softness, innocence, romantic.

ORANGE: accessible, creative, fun, energetic, impulsive.

YELLOW: joy, happiness, caution, curiosity, warmth, optimism.

GREEN: freshness, money, nature, tranquility, harmony.

BLUE: calm, confidence, loyalty, power, success, security, trust.

PURPLE: soothe, calm, creative, imaginative.

How to Choose the Right Color Palette for Your Brand?

The first step to choosing the right brand color is to establish your brand’s voice and feel. To help, consider where your brand falls in the list of colors above. With that context in place, brand colors will be much easier to pick. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right colors for your brand:

• Start with one color that conveys your style or voice. If you have a logo, use the dominant color in your logo as your first primary color. Afterwards, add one more primary color, a secondary color, and an accent color.

• Aim to use a maximum of four colors.

• Repetition is key to success when it comes to establishing a well-known color palette for your brand. Use your color scheme everywhere in your marketing. This includes your marketing and sales, your brand’s site and social media channels, and more.

• Remember to avoid confusion with other brands by staying away from your competitors colors. This will help you stand out to prospective customers as a unique and memorable offering.

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